One thing every kid looks forward to during the holidays is to get a photo with Santa. Parents will take them to a shopping mall or local event to get a memorable photo if the child sitting on Santa’s lap after declaring what they want for Christmas this year. While it isn’t safe to do so this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing recommendations, you can get a photo of your kids with Santa at home, thanks to augmented reality.
ImagineAR Inc. is offering a free 3D Santa AR figure through its app that kids can pose with to take photos and videos. Use the app just like any other AR app, pointing the camera at where you want the AR Santa to appear, then adjusting as needed (tilt the phone up and down to reset and get the right angle and size). Then have your child position next to Santa, ensure the sizing is realistic, and snap a pic.
You can also take a video of the child dancing with Santa in front of the tree, or even outside in the snow.

The ImagineAR app is available for both iOS and Android devices. To call up Santa, just select “AR NearMe,” choose the preferred Santa experience, and voila! Santa will appear. There are a variety of Santa options, including a forward-facing or sitting Santa for taking photos, Santa sneaking into the house, Santa on Christmas Eve, Santa playing guitar, Santa doing sign language, dancing Santa, and more.

Note that you’ll have to play around to get the angle and lighting just right. Nonetheless, there’s a lot of fun to be had by having the kids dress up and act out various scenes with Santa.