Savant Systems has acquired Racepoint Energy, manufacturer of smart electrical panels, automated power, storage & energy resiliency solutions

Virgin Mobile Canada has re-branded as Virgin Plus to match the company's evolving identity and service offerings beyond just mobility.

The latest candidate in our Q&As with influential women in tech business in Canada is Sarah Wilkinson, COO, Dr. Bill

Roon continues to expand its Roon Ready compatibility, having added more than 100 new Roon Ready and Roon Tested devices

Samsung Frame is a gorgeous and stylish TV, and I had the chance to try one out. Here's the author's take.

Snap One has introduced its new line of Binary BX 8K Active HDMI Cables, designed to support 8K UHD at 60Hz 4:2:0 and up to 10K at 30 Hz 4:4:4

Urbanista has introduced its new Seoul true Wireless earphones, designed for mobile gaming with low latency and premium audio quality.