The Withings Body Smart scale measures not just current weight but other pertinent details as well; and syncs beautifully with Apple Health.

Samsung Galaxy Watch owners in 13 markets can receive irregular heart rhythm notifications, but this does not yet include Canada.

MyFitnessPal launched a new customizable dashboard members to personalize tracking with easier goal setting and nutrient-specific options.

The Sennheiser SoundProtex hearing protection earplugs allow you to still enjoy loud environments while protecting your hearing.

The Citizen CZ Smart touchscreen and hybrid watches with wellness software that were announced during CES 2023 are now available in Canada.

Google acquired Fitbit back in 2021, and is now prepping for change, including switching sign-ins from a Fitbit to Google accounts.

Like others, you might be concerned about the changes being made to Fitbit, and may be considering an Apple Watch instead. Here's my take.

Aetrex demonstrated its Albert 2 Pro scanner at CES 2023, a machine that provides a 360° scan of your feet to help find the right orthotics.

Working out your New Year's Resolution for 2023? If it's one of the most common ones, we have tech ideas that can help.

Elderly folks can benefit from tech, whether it’s to help them monitor vital signs, stay connected with family and friends, or just have fun.