David takes a hands-on look at the Stewart StudioTek 130 G4 projection screen, which is likely to be the new reference standard for positive-gain screens.

These days, instead of touting the merits of their phones for communications, most smartphone manufacturers are promoting their devices as cameras.

A run-down of the key highlights in the Android 11 operating system update, released in beta.

Whether you work out at home, go for morning runs, or have a gym membership, there are ways that technology that can help motivate you while you exercise

An in-depth hands-on review of the Handl case, which includes a flexible brace in the back to prop the phone up or hold it securely between your fingers

Bluebird Music has announced the availability of the JS2 MkIV DAC, from French audio manufacturer Jadis, which will start shipping in Canada in July

At the 2019 Collision Conference in Toronto, a panel discussion raised awareness of the need to re-skill the trade workforce for a changing economy

Especially during a pandemic when we're all stuck at home, you might be tempted to do silly social media quizzes that pop up in your news feed. But don't! Here's why.